My 3-step Approach to Planning for your Dance Career
“What’s your plan?”
I must say this sentence to my one-year-old 50 times a day.
Everything in the world is brand new to him and he just wants to explore! His curiosity is insatiable and he is on a quest to learn everything he can about his surroundings (What are Mom and Dad hiding in this drawer? Can I climb up the slide instead of sliding down? What happens if I jump off the couch? ) He’s basically in that stage of life where his sense of self-preservation hasn’t caught up to his physical abilities.
As a parent, it’s SO tempting when he gets into one of these tricky situations to shout “Stop! Be careful!”. To grab him off the couch and plant his feet firmly on the ground. (Believe me, I DO have boundaries, we constantly work on using our “safe body” and if he is in real trouble I immediately step in.)
But if I were to save him every time he got into a pickle, how would he ever figure out how to handle the situation on his own? How would he learn what he is truly capable of? How would he fulfill his greatest potential?
The answer is…he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t learn to trust his own body, his instincts, and his curiosity. He would learn to be afraid of the world instead of embracing new experiences.
That’s not what I want for my kiddo. And it’s not what I want for the dancers I work with either.
I want every dancer to have the confidence to follow their dreams. To go after the life and career they want with gusto. But I don’t want you to just blindly take off into the professional world…you need a plan first!
That’s where I come in.
Through Career Mentoring, I help dancers like you develop a strategic plan to pursue the career of your dreams with purpose. Today, I’m going to let you in on a little secret…the three-step approach I use to help dancers. By applying this framework to your career, you will be so much closer to achieving the successful career that you’ve dreamed of.
Here we go!
Intention - aka your “what”
What is your definition of a successful dance career?
If you asked 100 different professional dancers what makes their careers successful, you would hear 100 different answers. So why do we all think that becoming a principal dancer with a big-name ballet company is the ultimate measure of success? If that’s what success is to you, that’s amazing! I am in no way downplaying the importance of striving for your big dream and the incredible achievement it is to reach the top of your craft. But don’t confuse status with success. Just because it’s someone else’s definition doesn’t mean it has to be yours. Success could be dancing in a smaller company with more opportunities to take the stage. Or success could mean finding a job dancing closer to home so you can spend time with your family. Or it might mean having a flexible schedule that allows time for other passions.
Discovering your intention is the first step in defining success on your terms. Once you have a clear definition of what success is for you, you can begin to hone in on a strategy to make your goals a reality. (If you are overwhelmed by choices and don’t know where to begin, start with The Brainy Ballerina Intentional Career Handbook.)
Ex. My intention is to provide aspiring ballet dancers with the resources they need to succeed in a professional career.
Purpose - aka your “why”
Why is this goal important to you?
Your “why” is what is going to keep you going when the road gets tough. And believe me, the path to a professional dance career is anything but smooth. You will face rejection. You will endure injuries. You will have days where you wonder if it’s all worth it. It’s in these moments that you will revisit your original purpose. Maybe your “why” is your desire to make dance accessible to everyone regardless of race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Maybe it’s your passion for transforming lives through dance education. Or maybe it’s simply your love of the art form of dance and the feeling you get when you’re on the stage. Whatever it is -write it down. Put it somewhere easily accessible - maybe on your desk, or in your dance bag to pull out after a tough rehearsal. On those days when you’re not sure the work is worth it - come back to your why.
Ex. My purpose is to build a business that fulfills my passion, provides for my family, and allows for flexibility and autonomy.
Strategy - aka your “how”
How can you best position yourself to reach your goal?
Once you figure out your “what” and “why”, you can get to the nitty gritty - your “how”. First, you need to identify where you are currently at. What are your strengths? What are your opportunities for growth? What are your priorities? Then, you need to look ahead into the future - for instance, if you want to be dancing in a professional company in 5 years, what do you need to be doing next week, next month, and next year to get there? By breaking it down into smaller, actionable steps you set yourself up on a successful and sustainable path to achieve your goals.
Ex. You didn’t think I’d give it all away, did you? 😉
One lesson that my years of work as a leader in the nonprofit sector taught me about developing a strategic plan is the need for outside analysis. It is normal to have blind spots when it comes to evaluating your career. That’s why companies often hire outside consultants to perform a SWOT analysis (an analysis to identify internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats). By bringing in an outside perspective to give feedback, companies gain a huge edge over their competitors as they plan for the future.
Now, I’m not saying you can’t plan for your career all on your own! If there’s one thing I know about dancers, it is that we are smart, capable, and determined. All I’m saying is you don’t have to.
As a Dance Career Mentor, I’ve helped dancers just like you find intention and clarity in their career goals, demystify the world of professional ballet, and put a strategic plan in place with actionable steps.
I’ve been exactly where you are…and I want better for you!
So let’s make this happen - go back to the three pillars and write down your intention, your purpose, and your strategy. Don’t worry about getting it perfect…just take notes on whatever comes to mind.
And if you get stuck? I am here for you! Just CLICK HERE to schedule a 20-minute complimentary career consultation with me. It’s the first step to taking back control of your career and confidently planning for the future you envision. I can’t wait to meet you!
Meet the Author
Caitlin Sloan is a Dance Educator and Career Mentor based in Madison, WI.
Caitlin received her Bachelor of Arts in Dance from Grand Valley State University and Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the University of Missouri.
She danced professionally for nine years with companies including Ballet Tucson and Missouri Contemporary Ballet (now Mareck Dance). Caitlin has taught at schools all over the Midwest, most notably serving as Director of The School of Missouri Contemporary Ballet and Youth Company Director for Central Indiana Dance Ensemble. She is currently on faculty at the School of Madison Ballet.
Caitlin founded The Brainy Ballerina® in 2019, a virtual resource providing support and guidance for aspiring ballet dancers. Follow @thebrainyballerina on Instagram for your daily dose of dance career guidance and inspiration.
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