5 Simple Actions to Move Your Dance Career Forward in 2022
2022 is here! How are you feeling about the prospect of a new year?
Like many of us, I have mixed feelings and emotions. The past few years have been tough for everyone, especially us artists. Every time I see another performance canceled, another school shut down or another studio go back to virtual learning, it feels like a small piece of my heart breaks off. As an eternal optimist, I will always feel a sense of anticipation and excitement for a new year. It’s just that this year especially is tinged with sadness for all the dancers and educators still trying to navigate the current state of our industry.
Whether you're feeling bright and shiny at the prospect of a new year or a little lackluster, that's not only OK...it's normal. The ongoing pandemic makes it difficult to make plans for next week, let alone for the entire year. Maybe making resolutions and big plans for the coming year feels inspiring right now - if so, go with it! It’s also totally fine if you’re feeling more aligned with focusing on the present moment and taking the next year day by day.
Whatever your current state, remember that you're not going to become a whole new person just because the clock struck midnight, even if that's the narrative we've been sold.
The truth is, those tiny baby steps you take day after day matter more than any one giant leap. You don't have to have it all figured out...you just have to do the next right thing. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and I promise you will make progress.
To give you some inspiration to keep going, I've put together 5 simple actions you can take this week to move your career forward in 2022. They’re not big or overwhelming - just a few small steps to keep you moving forward, whatever the coming year has in store.
Set one SMART goal
SMART is an acronym standing for:
Goals give us motivation, clarity, and direction. If you feel yourself languishing right now, setting just one goal to focus on can help you rediscover your purpose. It doesn’t have to be huge! Maybe you want to step outside your comfort zone - so your goal could be to attend one class in a new style or attend an audition for a company you hadn’t previously considered a possibility. I like to think about the type of person I’d like to become instead of the things I want to do to help me set a goal that feels aligned (and exciting!). As you think about what you hope to achieve this year, use these criteria to ensure you are working smarter, not harder.
If you are looking for support in this area, check out the conversation about Goal Setting for Dancers I had with Different Drummer Dance Founder, Katrena Cohea.
Create an account on ArtsWrk
Artswrk is a professional network for artists and creatives to find, track, and refer work - basically Linkedin for artists! The platform was developed by Nick Silverio and Ramita Ravi - two NYC-based dancers who truly understand the struggles that come with launching a professional dance career. Their primary focus is helping artists find work, stability, and consistent income. Once you create a free profile, you can find employment, make connections, and access support services specifically tailored to arts workers.
Update your resume
When was the last time you updated your resume? Most dancers tend to put it off until absolutely necessary, but jobs can pop up any time - you would be amazed how many doors open up when you are prepared to take advantage of them! Plus, updating your resume reminds you of all the growth you have made - a great way to reflect on the past year and an instant confidence and motivation boost.
If you could use some guidance on how to format your resume and what to include, grab The Ultimate Audition Guide - it’s got 4 editable resume templates + step-by-step instructions to create a professional, attention-grabbing dance resume.
Cultivate your network
The professional dance world is all about who you know and building connections is an essential part of your career. You don’t want to be that dancer who only pops up when they need something…building trust is all about forging genuine relationships based on mutual respect. The most impactful way to show up is by treating the colleagues you work or train with daily with kindness - communicate consistently and openly, celebrate other dancers’ successes, and consider how your actions affect the entire group. Beyond your day-to-day life, here are three ways you can cultivate your network:
Reach out to peers you’ve lost touch with (maybe from a summer intensive or side gig)
DM another dancer you admire on social media and let them know how they inspire you
Ask another artist to collaborate on a project
Build connections with others you feel professionally and personally aligned with. You don’t need an ulterior motive to build a relationship. The ballet world is so small and your reputation WILL precede you. Make sure you pay attention to your character just as much as you work on your fouettés.
Schedule a Complimentary Career Consultation
As a former professional dancer, I know how difficult it can be to navigate a dance career. It always felt like everyone else had access to some secret roadmap I didn’t know about. Over time I realized that everyone was as lost as me - we had just accepted the struggle as a necessary part of the process and learned to be self-sufficient at all costs. While every journey is filled with challenges, it doesn’t mean you have to navigate it alone. Sometimes you just need guidance from someone who has been in your shoes and truly understands what you are going through. It doesn’t make you weak or incapable - it makes you smart! I help dancers like you find intention and purpose for their dance careers and develop a strategy to make their goals happen. Schedule a consultation with me for a no-strings-attached chat to receive customized advice and actionable strategies you can implement as you pursue your career.
And there you have it! Five simple ways you can give your career forward momentum in 2022 - without making broad sweeping resolutions, spending lots of money, or giving up all your time. Baby steps count dancers!
P.S. I have a New Year’s freebie for you! Tap here to download a PDF of The Brainy Ballerina New Year Kickstart - a checklist to keep track of when you’ve completed each of these tasks PLUS some bonus tips!
Meet the Author
Caitlin Sloan is a Dance Educator and Career Mentor based in Madison, WI.
Caitlin received her Bachelor of Arts in Dance from Grand Valley State University and Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management from the University of Missouri.
She danced professionally for nine years with companies including Ballet Tucson and Missouri Contemporary Ballet (now Mareck Dance). Caitlin has taught at schools all over the Midwest, most notably serving as Director of The School of Missouri Contemporary Ballet and Youth Company Director for Central Indiana Dance Ensemble. She is currently on faculty at the School of Madison Ballet.
Caitlin founded The Brainy Ballerina® in 2019, a virtual resource providing support and guidance for aspiring ballet dancers. Follow @thebrainyballerina on Instagram for your daily dose of dance career guidance and inspiration.
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